After 15 Years I am Able to Swim Again!

August 24, 2011

Swimming with a drypro waterproof prosthetic cover

“After 15 years I am able to swim again because of the drypro prosthetic leg protection.  For this, I want to thank you.  After a leg amputation, I had a lot of trouble finding a way to be active and swim with my prosthesis.  After a long search for a solution, I ran into your product.  It worked perfectly!!  

Before the accident, I was very active in water sports. This year I found out that surfing, waterskiing, and diving are skills which never disappear, not even after such a long period.

And your product kept  me dry doing this, even in those rough conditions-  I mean waterskiing, whats a bigger test?”
Thanks again,

Mark Bosman
The Netherlands

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