We had been waiting (and saving) for over a year to take a Family Cruise Vacation. Our trip was scheduled for September 19th and our little four years old broke his arm on the 14th at school.
Our doctor does not carry waterproof casts because he said that they can build up mildew after a couple of days so Dylan got a regular cast. He got extremely upset when they told him that he could not get it wet since he loves the water.
Dylan is our only son, the trip was pretty much planned for him and we thought about canceling our vacation…until I found your website!!!
As you can see in the pictures I have attached, he had a great time and his waterproof cast cover worked great. At least a hundred people asked about it and we definitively spread the word for Dry Corp. I will give the brochures to our doctor so he can recommend too.
If any of these pictures qualify for the contest please entered any of them and if you have a problem opening the files, please send me an e-mail back and I’ll mailed them.
Thank you so much for your product and for the convenient overnight shipping!!!
You saved us!! The Pearls
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